A few of our favourite aromatic australians
some special essential oils unique to the Australian continent
Lemon Myrtle
backhousia citriodora
Why is Lemon Myrtle often described as more lemony than lemon?
Compared to lemon's citral content of 3-10%, lemon myrtle contains 90-98% citral, which is what gives it that lovely and unique lemony aroma that gets everyone smitten!
Apart from being a wonderful mood lifter and calming, it's the most antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal of the Australian essential oils (more powerful than teatree) and is helpful with colds, flus, chest congestions, irritable digestive disorders, gas in the digestive tract, skin conditions.
Applied on the skin, it's always recommended to dilute it with vegetable oils, as there's no current clinical data on skin sensitisation, but use it at high strength - with caution - for cold sores (herpes simplex) or warts.
Lemon Myrtle essential oil has been reported to be effective on molluscum contagiosum. See testimonials and information on the molluscum contagiosum page. Citral has also been believed to have anti-tumour properties but no official research is currently available. Further aromatherapy benefits are improved concentration, relaxation and better sleep, and as an air purifier (see Lemon Myrtle Mist Spray). It has long been used as a bushfood and herbal spice for cooking, in herbal teas, and as a natural flavouring in drinks and medicines, but lemon myrtle is increasingly popular as one of Australia's "new" essential oils with powerful bioactive properties. See research articles.
Our lemon myrtle is the freshest on the market and therefore has maximum potency and aroma.. Each batch is freshly distilled, Grade A quality, and not only organic, but also biodynamic. Chefs and food companies use this instead of the leaf spice for its concentrated aroma.. Molluscum sufferers get the most benefit from the freshness of our lemon myrtle essential oil.
10ml organic / $25
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Applications of lemon myrtle:
in aromatherapy burners to emotionally calm and uplift
chase away the blues
reduce the incidence of colds and flus
purify and cleanse the air - kills bacteria & fungus & odours
apply to cuts and stings
add a refreshing zing to drinking water (1 drop only for a litre water, then shake vigorously)
ground leaves make a tasty herbal spice in food
calm indigestion and gas or bloating
relieve cold sores and warts
relieve bronchitis and chest congestions
delicious as a herbal tea
flavouring in food - salad dressings, sorbets, icecream, but very potent - 1-2 drops is plenty!
a pleasant insect repellent!
a fantastic natural remedy for molluscum contagiosum
Lemon Teatree
leptospermum petersonii
Another of our favourite lemon-scented Australians, lemon teatree is gorgeous, different to the more medicinal smell of the standard teatree oil. It has a lovely lemony aroma and is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-mucus, and a digestive stimulant. It can also be used in the treatment of oily skin or acne.
Like lemon myrtle, it smells too lovely to be an insect repellent, but that's what it's good for, as well as a wonderful air freshener and space cleanser (it is an ingredient in our Lemon Myrtle Mist Spray). It is stimulating in small amounts, but calming in standard amounts.
10ml organic / $23
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Applications of lemon teatree:
helpful in treating oily skin and acne
a sweet smelling insect repellent!
clear chest congestions
pest deterrent (ants, fleas, cockroaches, mosquitoes etc)
prevent colds, flus, sinus
space clearing air freshener - destroy bacteria & moulds
Lemon Eucalyptus or Lemon Gum
eucalyptus citriodora
Lemon eucalyptus has a vibrant scent that's more appealing than the standard eucalyptus. This essential oil is also antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, calming, deodorising, anti-inflammatory and helps relieve pain and congestion. Great as an insect repellent by itself or combined with lemon tea tree essential oil. It has an emotionally uplifting effect, but not as much as lemon myrtle.
10ml organic / $13
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Applications of lemon eucalyptus:
clear congestions - good with colds, flus, fever, bronchitis
also antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral
repel insects and silverfish
air deodoriser
reduce pain and inflammation
agonis fragrans
Fragonia is a relatively new and rare Australian essential oil with a unique bush fragrance and anti-microbial properties - known as 'coarse tea-tree' by the cut flower industry. A very special oil, it unblocks the emotions, bringing peace and calm. Dr Daniel Penoel, the highly respected medical doctor who practices Aromatic Medicine in France has found Fragonia to have many excellent molecular properties and emotional benefits.
Has a floral teatree note. Stay tuned to this essential oil! For more info, click here
10ml / $25
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Applications of fragonia:
apply in massage for a gentle unblocking of emotions
dot on the chakra points before you go to sleep for vivid dreams
good for oil burners
room freshener and deodoriser
antimicrobial properties
melaleuca ericifolia
Also known as Sweet Teatree,Lavender Teatree or Swamp Paperbark. Another "new" Australian essential oil, identified in the 1950s. Another favourite of Dr Daniel Penoel's.
Similar to teatree but sweeter smellling and tasting. Rosalina has a gentle floral scent and is calming and relaxing. It contains a very high percentage of linalool, its major constituent, which has been found to be strongly calming and rapidly absorbed through skin and mucous membranes.
Effective for upper respiratory tract congestions and infections, as a gentle expectorant, and anti-infectious. Use on acne, boils, tinea, herpes.
(Rosalina is no longer offered on this site)
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Applications of rosalina:
calming, relaxing
good for sleep & stress relief
chest congestions and infections
colds, flus, sinus
skin rashes, dandruff, acne
insect bites
Honey Myrtle
melaleuca teretifolia
Known also as marsh honey myrtle, it has a light honeyed citral scent, and has one of the highest citral content of the melaleucas. A lovely aroma for your essential oil burner.
(Honey Myrtle no longer offered on this site)
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Applications of honey myrtle:
anti microbial
a lovely gentle aroma for oil burners
air deodoriser
kunzea ambigua
TGA approved (AUSTL 72143) for relief of arthritis, muscular aches, rheumatism, flu, nervous tension, stress, anxiety. Known to also help with migraines, eczema, tinea, insect bites, burns. Dr Daniel Penoel, the French doctor and practitioner of Aromatic Medicine has used this for internal use to great effect in many case studies. In Australia oral intake of essential oils is not practised, unlike its long standing acceptance in France.
10ml Wild Craft
(Sorry we are out of stock until further notice)
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Applications of kunzea:
temporary relief of arthritis & rheumatism
relieve flu symptoms
relieve muscular aches and pains
helps reduce anxiety and stress
relieves eczema, rash, tinea, recurring shingles, insect bites, minor burns
may relieve migraines
room deodoriser
insect repellent
reduce bruises and inflammation
strains and other soft tissue injuries
anti microbial